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Code of Conduct for Network Godparents

Code of Conduct for Network Godparents - Association for the Abolition of Barriers!
This code of conduct regulates the behaviour and the relationship of the network sponsors to other network companies as well as to each other and represents a guideline for fair dealings with each other.
The code represents a clear commitment to the Patennetwork value system.
It is intended to serve the protection and satisfaction of both interested parties and network sponsors, to promote the sustainable competitiveness of the business model and to preserve the good reputation of the association.
Honesty and openness are the keys to successful sponsorship. 1.1.
1.1 When sponsoring, the earning and career opportunities are described truthfully. Costs and expenses incurred are also mentioned.
1.2 Income examples from Patennetwork must correspond to reality. No guarantee of a specific income may be given.
1.3 Information about projects may only be given if it is in accordance with the official data and statements of the association.
1.4 Negative and derogatory statements about other network companies as well as their services or products are to be refrained from.
2. behaviour of network mentors among each other
There shall be healthy, fair competition between the individual structures, characterised by mutual respect.
2.1 The solicitation of network sponsors from other structures of the sponsor network is strictly forbidden, in this context the following should be emphasised
2.2.1. enticing distributors to change structures without permission through promises such as better support, better career opportunities, etc.
2.2.2. inducing distribution partners to breach contracts, e.g. sham partnerships via so-called straw men.
2.2.3. making negative or disparaging remarks about other network mentors.
2.2.4. disagreements are not publicly aired in the media (e.g. press, social media and other public sources of information).
3. behaviour of network mentors towards other network companies
We treat every other network company with respect
3.1 Unfair, strategic solicitation of partners from other network companies is unethical and will not be tolerated by Patennetwork.
3.1.1 The poaching of entire structures by systematically approaching several partners.
3.1.2. negative or disparaging remarks about these companies (about services, products, earning potential, etc.).
3.1.3. inducing the partners of other companies to breach the contract.
3.1.4. paying "bounties" on a bill of exchange, or promising such payments.
3.2. issuing warnings to individual partners of other network companies on the grounds of allegedly
anti-competitive statements are to be refrained from. 4.
4. behaviour of the network sponsor towards the association
Network sponsors must behave loyally towards their association.
4.1 A Network Sponsor is characterised by clean and fair working practices.
4.2 The Network Sponsor behaves loyally towards the association and represents it at all times.
appropriately and seriously. He tries, as far as it is in his power, to avert damage to the association.
from the association.
4.3 The basis for the actions of the Networkpaten are the general terms and conditions
of the Patennetwork.
5. public appearance of the network sponsors
Network sponsors always act as serious business people.
5.1 Network mentors are neither employees bound by instructions nor contractors of Patennetwork. They do not give the impression of being employees of the association.
5.2 The association reserves the right to deal with the press, TV and radio. Exceptions are subject to approval.
Enquiries from such media are always to be forwarded immediately to the Patennetwork press department.
All statements concerning the association, other network patrons or other companies in all media (incl. Facebook and Twitter) are not permitted.
(incl. Facebook and Twitter), are subject to the obligation of fairness and loyalty.
If necessary, they are to be coordinated with the Patennetwork.

This code of conduct is binding for all network sponsors, each distribution partner is obliged to comply with it.

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